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Generation Z favors fast food restaurants and food-to-go products
The HoReCa market is a significant part of the national service sector, playing a key role in the economy. Our research indicates that it has experienced substantial growth compared to 2020, the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are also observing dynamic development in the fast food segment and an increase in interest in diet catering. Our analysts emphasize that Generation Z will be a crucial consumer group for the future development of the entire market.
HoReCa market is getting back on the growth track
The report “HoReCa Market in Poland 2024”, published in June 2024, analyzes the market and presents growth forecasts for 2024-2029. One of the key observations is that after the pandemic period, the market is returning to a path of real growth. Major factors contributing to this trend include: a positive macroeconomic environment, the return of tourist numbers to pre-2020 levels, forecasted decrease in inflation, and anticipated improvement in the financial situation of Poles by 2029.
Senior analyst
More data on the current situation of the Polish HoReCa market can be found in the PMR report:
HoReCa market in Poland 2024. Market analysis and development forecasts for 2024-2029.
The restaurant segment is expected to lose ground to catering and hotel gastronomy
Aktualnie restauracje stanowią największą część rynku HoReCa. Jednak – jak wynika z naszych badań – w ciągu najbliższych lat będą stopniowo ustępować miejsca cateringowi indywidualnemu oraz gastronomii hotelowej. Segment Ho charakteryzuje się najwyższą dynamiką wzrostu i wraca do wartości sprzed pandemii. Co ma największy wpływ na te zmiany? Decydujący jest ogólny rozwój turystyki i rosnąca liczba turystów odwiedzających Polskę. Nie bez znaczenia są także zmieniające się preferencje konsumentów. Ci doceniają wygodę, jaką niesie za sobą korzystanie z usług cateringowych oraz zamawianie jedzenia na dowóz. Z tej ostatniej formy korzysta 60 proc. badanych. Co ciekawe – poza wygodą – głównym powodem korzystania z takich usług dla kobiet jest urozmaicenie codziennych posiłków przygotowywanych w domu. Mężczyźni z kolei chętnie zamawiają jedzenie w związku z wydarzeniami sportowymi.
Currently, restaurants make up the largest portion of the HoReCa market. However, according to our research, they will gradually give way to individual catering and hotel gastronomy in the coming years. The Ho segment is characterized by the highest growth dynamics and is returning to pre-pandemic values. What drives these changes? The key factors include the overall development of tourism and the increasing number of tourists visiting Poland. Changing consumer preferences also play a significant role. Consumers value the convenience of catering services and food delivery. Among those surveyed, 60% use food delivery services. Interestingly, for women, the main reason for using these services, aside from convenience, is to diversify daily home-cooked meals. In contrast, men are more likely to order food in connection with sporting events.
McDonald's, KFC, and Orlen Stop Cafe are the most frequently visited by Poles
Liderem wzrostu sprzedaży w 2023 roku były bary szybkiej obsługi – blisko połowa ankietowanych przyznała, że decyduje się na posiłek w takich miejscach dwa, trzy razy w miesiącu lub częściej. Drugim wyborem są pizzerie, a trzecim restauracje. W gronie najchętniej odwiedzanych przez Polaków lokali znajdują się m.in. McDonald’s, KFC oraz Orlen Stop Cafe. Z ich usług częściej korzystają mężczyźni niż kobiety oraz młodzi ludzie w wieku 18-24 lata.
In 2023, fast food restaurants were the leaders in sales growth—nearly half of the respondents reported choosing to eat at such places two or three times a month or more frequently. The second choice is pizzerias, followed by restaurants. Among the most frequented eating places by Poles are McDonald’s, KFC, and Orlen Stop Cafe. These services are used more often by men than women, and by young people aged 18-24.
Will Generation Z change the HoReCa market in Poland?
Our analysis indicates that an important consumer group increasingly influencing the operation of dining establishments is Generation Z, individuals born after 1995. What are their preferences? Primarily, they base their choice of venue on reviews, such as those on Google, and the opinions of popular culinary vloggers and influencers. They more often choose fast food restaurants and pizzerias over traditional restaurants. Among their preferred cuisines, American food leads, and they prefer carbonated drinks over coffee.
A key piece of information for the HoReCa market is that Generation Z is increasingly turning to competitive food-to-go products. Hot and cold snacks, such as hot dogs, baked goods, ready meals, or pastries, are considered by 40% of “Z” to be complete meals that can replace those eaten at eating plece.
More data on the current situation of the Polish Food to Go retail market can be found in the PMR report:
Food to Go retail market in Poland 2024. Market analysis and development forecasts for 2024-2029.
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