News - 3 March 2020

70 million RGUs sold on the telecommunications market in Poland in 2022

According to the latest PMR estimate, the share of bundled telecommunication services as a proportion of the Polish market in terms of the total number of telecommunication services in the country is constantly growing. PMR forecasts calculate that the trend will continue in the next few years.

Find comprehensive information about the current state of the Polish integrated telecommunications services market in the PMR report:


Integrated telecommunications services market in Poland.
Market analysis and development forecasts for 2023-2028. Impact of inflation and war in Ukraine.

RGU on the telecommunications market in Poland

For the overall Polish market, PMR estimates that the number of telecommunication services sold (RGUs) will rise to 70 million by 2022, in comparison with approximately 60 million in 2015. Overall, the mobile subgroup has been responsible for growth in recent years, in terms of both the number of SIM cards in the subscription model and mobile internet services. The latter subgroup has also recently shown signs of saturation. An increasing number of services are being purchased from the same provider. The bundle services market in Poland is characterised by constant development, which is reflected in a gradually growing number of services sold in bundles and sold to subscribers.

According to the latest PMR omnibus survey carried out at the end of 2019, 54% of households in Poland use at least two services offered by the same provider or operator in the same capital group. Interestingly, consumers state that they are not always aware of such a situation and, when asked directly about telecommunications services packages, they report that they hold a significantly smaller percentage of these than the figure which would result from an analysis of entities known to provide five basic telecommunications services in the household (mobile telephony, fixed-line telephony, mobile Internet, fixed-line internet and pay-TV).

PMR research shows that consumers in Poland are relatively loyal to their operators and that package sales improve base rotation rates. Over 60% of package users have been associated with the same operator for more than 4 years. The customer’s place of residence is not particularly important.

Methodological notes

In November 2019, PMR’s research department carried out a computer-aided telephone interview (CATI) survey on a representative sample of 1,000 adults in Poland. The sample was selected by means of random digit dialling (RDD), with care taken to maintain proportions in particular layers (amounts): i.e., pertaining mainly to metric variables. As a result, the sample structure is similar to that of the Polish population.


The survey, on a nationwide sample, was used to estimate the scale of the use of telecommunications services and the purchase of services as part of service packages. In addition, an in-depth study was carried out on a targeted sample of persons using services purchased as part of packages.

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Paweł Olszynka

ICT Business Unit Director