Market insight

This involves a cyclical analysis of the most important events on the market. Every day, there are new news items provided in the panel, and weekly summaries of the most important news items are delivered in the form of email updates. Information is available to PMR Market Insight subscribers through an interactive online platform. In addition, there is an option to create PDF files with the latest information.

As part of a paid subscription to PMR Market Insight, you also get a monthly comprehensive review of data and analysis with the most important market statistics.

Informacje są dostępne dla subskrybentów PMR Market Insight poprzez interaktywną platformę internetową, przesyłaną w formie cotygodniowych aktualizacji drogą mailową. Istnieje również możliwość tworzenia plików PDF z najnowszymi informacjami.

W ramach płatnej subskrypcji PMR Market Insight otrzymujesz również miesięczny kompleksowy przegląd danych i analiz z najważniejszymi statystykami rynkowymi.

What makes PMR Market Insight unique?


  • a cyclical monitoring of the market and its development potential in relation to market changes carried out by analysts with years of experience and knowledge of the analyzed sector
  • articles published in PMR Insight are author’s material that is not available elsewhere
  • current access to all major statistics gathered in one place, along with an explanation


  • access to not only historical data but also estimates for the upcoming year based on knowledge and experience of the analysts
  • the presentation of the main conclusions from primary research conducted by PMR for construction reports
  • it provides a comprehensive set of reliable information developed by a team of econometricians and market analysts on the real situation in the industry

What are the benefits of having access to PMR Market Insight?


  • presents the most probable scenarios for the development of the situation
  • contains numerous comments and reviews from independent experts, facilitating decision-making
  • allows monitoring of major construction companies operating in the market
  • it is an invaluable tool for analyzing new phenomena and trends



  • facilitates the identification of market segments with the greatest growth potential and possible threats
  • streamlines the development of a new strategy and development plans
  • enables the monitoring of competitors’ activities and the comparison of the actions of leaders

a platform on which you will have access to your products and see the full range of industry reports and insights