PMR’s client, one of the international leader in the area of plastic pipe systems and technology, commissioned a market research study of pipes, storm sewers, water supply tanks and septic tanks (external installations) in Poland.
Objective of project
The market research study’s main goal was to analyse the municipal and transportation sector of the market. The client required information on market size and trends. The market research was to focus on particular types of materials used in the construction of water supply and sewage systems.
Project details
PMR conducted a study using various research approaches. It consisted of:
98 interviews with designers and contractors specializing in road construction,
52 interviews with construction design companies specializing in water and sewage networks,
18 expert interviews with market specialists,
7 interviews with public officials responsible for releasing tenders for water and sewage network construction.
We also analysed the database of public tenders, statistical data from GDDKiA (General Directorate for National Roads and Highways), GUS (Central Statistical Office), reports on the implementation of The National Programme for Waste Water Treatment, the Infrastructure And Environment programme, and PMR’s own data. As part of the study we conducted interviews with all parties involved in investment execution. This allowed us to learn about the views of all market players and to outline the current situation, as well as prognosis for the next few years.