Case studies - 10 March 2016

Qualitative research among psychiatrists on the treatment of ADHD

Project objectives

Our client was interested in the experiences of Polish doctors in treating ADHD. Through qualitative research among psychiatrists the company wanted to find out about the following issues:


  • knowledge of current treatment methods,
  • identification of the key trends,
  • identification of the biggest challenges faced by specialists in the treatment of ADHD,
  • information about the major barriers and restrictions in medical treatment of patients with ADHD.
Project details

As part of the study we conducted individual in-depth interviews (IDIs) with doctors of psychiatry in Poland. Thanks to the commitment of PMR’s experienced moderators, the study was carried out quickly and efficiently. During the interviews we thoroughly discussed all customer-relevant issues. In addition to that, we collected interesting conclusions from the past experiences of doctors in treating patients with ADHD.


Despite the fact that the researched group was narrow, our team was able to quickly find doctors to interview. We reached out to psychiatrists, who are one of the scarcest specialties in the Polish medical market. Instrumental in this was the PMR Medical Panel (a sizable panel of doctors from various specialties). Our long years of experience in recruiting respondents from the healthcare industry were also important success factor.

Project results

As a result of a series of in-depth interviews with psychiatrists, we provided the client with detailed data. We comprehensively presented the experience of psychiatrists in the treatment of ADHD.


This in-depth and unique knowledge of the niche segment of the medical market gave our customer a competitive advantage over other companies. Also, it provided considerable support in developing a sales and marketing strategy, built on a better understanding the local market and the needs and expectations of the target group.

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Marta Marszałek

Senior Pharma & Healthcare Market Analyst