>Consumer study of flooring systems using an online community research approach
Case studies - 3 January 2018
Consumer study of flooring systems using an online community research approach
PMR Consulting & Research was approached by a leading international research agency. They were looking for a company that could carry out a consumer survey using online community research approach in Poland and Russia. The project was designed for the needs of floor systems manufacturer.
Project objectives
The aim of the project was to understand what factors consumers consider when making purchasing decisions. The obtained data was to be used to build a marketing communication with the selected target group.
Project details
Respondents from Poland and Russia participated in the online study for approximately 6 weeks. The participants performed tasks and discussed specific topics under the guidance of an experienced moderator.
The condition for the success of this project was to reach suitable respondents. Not only did they have to be interested in purchasing flooring systems and meet specific demographic criteria. Additionally, a key factor in the selection of participants was their openness to discussion, creativity and engagement. However, PMR Consulting & Research recruiters were able to reach the right people, thanks to which the community life thrived throughout the study.
Project results
As the result of our research, the client received specific information and creative ideas for marketing communications with the target group. The acquired results allowed the company to build an effective strategy tailored to the needs of local customers in Poland and Russia.
Did you know…
One of the challenges faced by those who conduct consumer research is to understand the real opinions and preferences of a specific target group.
Researchers ask themselves questions such as:
Where to find people from the target group?
How to reach users of a particular product category?
How to find out about their real needs and expectations?
What are their true experiences while interacting with products and brands?
How to use the knowledge about consumers in building a brand?
From our experience, we find that the perfect tool to acquire this kind of information is an online community. We invite representatives of the target audience of the product to participate in the study. Next, we moderate the work of the respondents so that they frequently communicate with each other, publish posts and visual materials, participate in discussions and perform tasks set by the moderator.
But keep in mind that an important aspect of building online communities is time. The project must be carried out over a longer period of time. Only then you can see the results of the full commitment of the participants in the discussion and obtain creative ideas for building a marketing strategy.
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