>Irradiation and sterilization services market in Poland
Case studies - 7 May 2019
Irradiation and sterilization services market in Poland
Working for Łódź University of Technology (Politechnika Łódzka), PMR prepared a report on the irradiation and sterilization services market in Poland.
Project details
The report was based on following sources of information:
desk research analysis,
quantitative research – 160 telephone interviews (CATI) with companies potentially interested in irradiation and sterilization services,
interviews with market experts and representatives of branch organizations, companies operating in the selected market branches and companies providing sterilization services.
Project results
Report included information on economic situation in selected market branches, currently used in Polish companies irradiation and sterilization techniques.
In addition it contains level of costs and prices and current demand for such services. Above all it include other information required by the client.
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